Chambers County Child Welfare Board
The mission of the Chambers County Child Welfare Board is to work to support foster children and adoption; to meet the needs of abused and neglected children in our county; and to assist Child Protective Services in aiding the children under their care.

The goal of a child welfare system is to ensure that
children are protected from abuse and neglect,
preferably by helping families safely care for children in their own homes. When that’s not possible, the system looks for other alternatives, so that all children grow up in a loving, permanent home. Many different individuals and groups help make this happen in Texas.
Did you know that Region 6B has a 90% Positive Permanancy Placement rate with our Foster Children? This is great news!
2024 Board Members
Lee Machin (President)
Kristin Turbeville (Vice - President)
Stephanie Gause (Secretary)
Debbie Standley (Treasurer)
Lisa Whittington
Rhonda Barker